Covid Safe Plan

Business name: Jean Bremner Photography

Plan completed by: Jean Bremner

Date reviewed: 19/10/20

I’m protecting my clients and our community by following a COVID-Safe plan in Melbourne & Victoria. I will be following current safe hygiene procedures and following current risk reduction plans. As a permitted worker as of 19.10.2020 by the Victorian Government, I am allowed to work in Melbourne and Regional Victoria and I will be carrying my permit as well as a COVID-Safe plan with me at all times.

1.  Ensure physical distancing

·       All meetings with clients will be held over the phone or teleconference such as Zoom

·       Photographer to stay at least 1.5m apart from clients during photoshoots

2.  Wear a face covering

·       A face mask will be worn at all times whilst photographing

·       Photographer to use a new or freshly washed face mask before every shoot

3.  Practise good hygiene 

·       Carry hand sanitiser and make it available to clients on photo shoots

·       Ensuring extra hand washing and sanitising is adhered to before, during and after shoots

·       All equipment being used for a shoot is cleaned prior to being used and after

·       Clients are not to handle any of the photographer’s equipment – including loading in/out.

·       Photographer will no longer be able to assist in taking photos using another person’s camera or phone.

4.  Keep records and act quickly if workers become unwell

·       Keep all records of photographer job movements/client details

·       Record keeping of key personnel such as other suppliers if needed to contact

·       In the event that I (the photographer) become unwell up to 14 days after the event, I will contact the clients and suppliers and inform them that I am going for testing and awaiting results. I will advise them of the results.

·       Having a process and responsibility for notifying DHHS and WorkSafe if COVID positive.

·       Close business while awaiting results, and continue to be closed if advised to do so by the DHHS.

5.  Avoid interactions in enclosed spaces

·       All photoshoots to take place in a public space outdoors

·       In home or workplace photo viewings are currently not in use and I am using online proofing systems.

6.  Create workforce bubbles

·       Currently working as a solo operator whilst shooting. If I was to need or employ assistants for any photoshoots, workforce bubbles would be put into place.